Intention Reflection

The motivations behind the biggest, most life-altering decisions I made felt crystal clear in the moment I made them. Five years later, my reasons seem completely different. 


I left a relationship because I “fell out of love.” Years later, I realized I ended it because I felt fundamentally unsafe.


When I moved my family from Los Angeles, I said I wanted to spend more time with my two very young kids. That remains true. AND ALSO, I wanted STABILITY. The magnitude of which would create the space for legacy changing transformation within myself. 

Moving Boxes. Los Angeles. 2012


Living paycheck to paycheck as a freelancer was hard. I’ve spent fifteen years working through financial trauma from a history of instability. Moving from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mentality. You know what helps the most with that shift? Money. Consistently. 

Economic Education

My husband grew up in a different economic environment than I did. His attitude toward money is that it comes, you spend it, you make more. It’s not complicated. But for me, never knowing how much work I would have, where the work would be IN THE WORLD, or when I would be paid was tough-especially as a parent. 

Reflect on your why

Clear values and intentions help you make big choices and live your life with purpose. Don’t be surprised if your reasoning changes over time. Reflect on the ”why” that informed your decisions. Note any shifts in motivation and integrate those into your future decision making.