Vacation goldfish

My goals and ideas

for how I spend 

my time

during our family vacation

never quite line up

with reality.

I imagined reading books

to help me

Improve my writing

Fix my kids

Change my diet

I planned to use the time to 

write and 

paint and 

draw and


Wandering like Thoreau

contemplating life’s mysteries

and paradoxes.

Illustrating solutions for those

less disciplined than I.


I cleaned the pantry

calling an exterminator to 

rid me of the ants

that found the open marshmallows

leftover from the s’mores

we made in the fireplace

every night of vacation.

I organized the garage

purging 1000 allen wrenches

while reassuring

my worried husband

that we still have 100 more

allen wrenches

organized by size,

(Don’t mess it up)

while he sat in a 

folding chair

reading chemistry papers

he wrote in undergrad

100 years ago.

I bought and wrapped 

100 presents

immediately forgetting 

what I bought the minute 

it went under the tree.

I stood in line to ship gifts

that will not arrive on time.

I cooked for 12 hours

the meal my family requested.

Using my breaks

to build a red Lego Ferrari 

while doing algorithmic

math in my head

so that seven dishes

are all done 

in one oven

at the exact same moment.

I took pictures of hawks 

to grasp onto something


desperate to make something 

that will be permanent

that will serve

that will leave my mind

to make room 

for more.