Future You

It’s hard to commit to doing things that future you won’t benefit from for thirty years. Most of us exercise for the ”now“ benefits. How we look or how our clothes fit motivates us to keep healthy habits. It’s scientifically proven that exercise benefits life longevity and quality of life. But we don’t do it for our 70 year old self. Why not? 


What about your retirement savings? If you’re fully employed and have the benefit of a 401k retirement plan matched by your work place, it’s easy to buy in if you have the expendable income. But if you’re a freelancer, or you work a couple of part-time jobs, it’s next to impossible to save for yourself. You’re only thinking of the now. Getting the next gig. Earning the next paycheck. Paying the next bill. 

What if a shift in mindset could slowly get you taking care of future you? 

Be good to yourself

What could you do tonight before bed that would make yourself feel taken care of in the morning? Could you prep the coffee maker? Could you make sure the kitchen is clean? Make yourself (or your kid’s) lunch? Check all the folders and backpacks the night before? Write yourself a note to put on your steering wheel about your intentions for the day?

Attention isn’t everything

I can’t rely on future me to notice my plants are dying, even though their cues are pretty obvious. So I set a reminder every week to water them when it’s a good day and time for me to make space for that. Having the plants brings me joy. Keeping them alive is part of my ritual and reminder for self care. How do I need to be watered and fed? What kind of light and space best suits my needs? All of my plants are different. The orchids like the bathroom. The ZZ plant is thriving in my office. The ground cover I picked on a walk is doing just fine in a glass of water on the window sill. 

Rituals and habits

Creating a ritual that helps “future you” is one way to start caring for yourself. You can build on it steadily over time. Which bills can you auto pay to avoid the stress of remembering? What reminders can you put in your calendar app to help you remember important dates or obligations. Practice genuinely and consistently caring about yourself tomorrow. It becomes easier to extend that future so far out you can’t even imagine it.